Welcome to elabra. We're a new company of industry veterans. We've come together with a vision for providing a new level of service to the public finance industry. Our objective is to be your trusted transaction support team.
We facilitate the debt issuance transaction with a package of services from online document collaboration to printing, online posting and distribution of official statements, and the archiving of transcripts. Choose a complete package for one-stop shopping, or select specific services.
Always, we're dedicated to delivering a great customer experience. We take it personally that your job is successfully completed and we'll do what it takes to make that happen.
We're also advancing the state-of-the-art by finding practical opportunities to leverage technology, identify best practices and make the process more efficient. Customers can use our WebEx online meeting account for their presentations and working group conferences. Future items will include calendar and label management and an array of tools to help working group members, issuers, bond attorneys, bankers, financial analysts.
elabra university provides a quick step ahead with short bursts of exposure to new ideas and techniques for working better, with payoffs in productivity and improved management overview. Contact us for current offerings.
We participate in the industry through membership in various professional associations and stay apprised of the MSRB rules and other regulatory requirements to provide another check on compliance.
Please call me or Tim Kelly at any time. Let us show you how we can help streamline the workflow on your next transaction. All of us at elabra look forward to getting to know you and having an opportunity to become your trusted transaction support team.

Wayne Robertson, President